A communal septic system from Waterloo Biofilter reduces the cost per connection of rural subdivisions
Communal or clustered decentralized wastewater treatment is a reliable and cost-effective alternative to individual septic systems or the expansion of city sewer mains out to rural subdivisions. When sewage from multiple homes is pooled together at a central plant, the wastewater flow and strength variations found between individual houses are averaged out, creating a more consistent influent pattern that is readily treated onsite by a Waterloo Biofilter wastewater treatment system.
In a community based system the maintenance is performed at a single central location instead of at each individual residence. This significantly reduces the ongoing costs associated with operations and maintenance. Clustered systems also allow for very stringent effluent criteria to be met more readily and at a significantly lowered cost as add-ons for nutrient removal or UV disinfection are installed at only a single location. As with all Waterloo Biofilter treatment units, our systems for communal or small municipal applications require little energy, have low maintenance requirements, use few moving parts, use a highly engineered filtration medium, and work independently of soil conditions.
We will work with your project engineers to develop a cost-effective solution with unparalleled performance and low operating costs. From vacuum sewer collection systems, enhanced nutrient removal, wastewater re-use, and advanced remote monitoring service with HMI control panels, Waterloo Biofilter has the experience necessary to make your clustered onsite wastewater project a success.