We require sites and systems to be fully accessible to our technicians so that they can do their work safely and efficiently. Private roads need to be passable to a light vehicle; our service technicians typically drive pickup trucks, sometimes with a trailer attached if they are bringing materials they cannot fit in their trucks. The property should be safe for the technicians when they are performing their inspection.
Lids should be at grade and visible; our technicians will not dig through gardens or move rocks in order to locate lids. If lids are located in a garden, the area should be marked, and no plants should be planted within two feet of each lid; the technicians need ample space to move around without trampling vegetation as they do their work. Internal components of the septic system, such as float trees, and plumbing, should also be within arms reach of ground level.
Control panels should be placed in an area where they can be easily located and accessible without obstructions.

Plants Are Too Close

Lids Should Not Be Covered

Obstructed by Decking

Obstructed by Decking

Behind A Bush

Under A Deck

Ideal Space Between Lids & Plants

Ideal Panel Location